Mr Simon Elam (PI), Professor Tadj Oreszczyn, Professor David Shipworth, Dr Eoghan McKenna, Dr Ellen Webborn
Project description
This project aims to report on patterns of GB residential energy use, how this is changing over time, and the possible causes of this change. It will report annually, containing novel statistics and findings that will be of interest to both academia and the wider energy sector. The report will take both a broad and deep perspective through the production of a core set of statistics which will be updated annually (broad) as well as a series of individual case studies (deep) delving into specific areas of research interest.
The focus of the core statistical output of this report will be to utilise existing demand profile archetypes and compare existing profiles with new profile archetypes developed using SERL data and novel analytical techniques.
We will also publish a range of relevant energy statistics using SERL data that will be designed to complement other annual energy statistics. This project will also create innovative data visualisations to accompany and illuminate its statistical and data outputs, particularly aimed at engaging non-academic audiences.
Research questions/topics include:
- What are the key drivers of variations (seasonal and diurnal) in energy use, including energy efficiency?
- How is residential energy use changing over time and what impacts are new technologies(heat pumps, PVs EV) having on demand profiles?
- How does efficiency (EPC and PTG) impact on a buildings seasonal and daily energy demand profiles including peak and minimum demand?
- How can the SERL Observatory be used as a counterfactual for intervention trials?
SERL Annual Report project

Institution | University College London |
Dates | 04/01/21 – 31/08/22 |
Contact | [email protected] |
Publications |
See SERL Stats Report |