We are committed to making this website usable and accessible by following best web design standards and practice.

This site uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) and aims to conform to level Triple A of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Display settings
In order to make our website easier to read and navigate, you can change your browser display settings such as:

• text size
• colour and contrast
• screen magnification
• style sheets

Some of the JavaScript on this website uses cookies to remember your preferences. A cookie is a small piece of information that is automatically stored on a computer within a web browser. SERL uses cookies that do not contain any personally identifying information. For more information please see our Privacy policy

The website is intended to be viewed with JavaScript enabled, although every effort has been made to make sure our content is accessible regardless of your JavaScript settings.

Report an accessibility problem
Reporting your experience will help us further enhance the accessibility of this website as we continue to make further improvements and enhancements to our accessibility features based on feedback from our users. Please let us know if you encounter any accessibility issues, or if you find any of our features particularly useful. We are happy to provide help and support to any users having difficulties using the website. Please contact us with any comments or suggestions or email directly to [email protected].