Two new SERL research reports looking at different aspects of home energy use in GB domestic buildings are now available. The reports build on the work done in the SERL Stats Report 2022/23.
The first report “Smart Energy Research Lab: Energy tariffs, energy expenditure, and price elasticity of energy use in GB domestic buildings during the 2022/2023 heating season” analyses changes in energy tariffs, energy prices and energy uses in 2022/23 from the previous year given the record high energy price increases that occurred in the period. The report also looks at the effectives of households’ measures to reduce energy use and the effectiveness of the government’s Energy Price Guarantee.
The second report “Smart Energy Research Lab: Energy use in GB gas heated domestic buildings during the 2022/2023 heating season” analyses data for a total of 8723 households from the SERL sample for whom gas is their primary space heating fuel and that had gas and/or electricity data available for both heating seasons. The report presents a comparative analysis of gas, electricity, and total energy use in terms of daily averages (kWh/day and kWh/m2 /day) for each month of the last quarter and first quarter, quantifying how these changed between the first heating season (2021/2022) and the second (2022/2023). The report also looks to identify how changes in energy use are distributed across key household segmentation (e.g. region, tenure and building type).
Lead author Dr Eoghan McKenna said, “these reports are a good example of how we can use the data collected from SERL participants to address important issues in energy as they happen, with recently gathered data as opposed to using models and estimates. The SERL data puts us in a position to provide evidence quickly from real homes on which policy makers, for example, can decide how to address issues affecting the population.”
To access these and other reports go to: Reports – Smart Energy Research Lab